Education in Australia
Special Education provides programs and support through multiple approaches. This may be through regular classrooms, with support of modified curriculum or additional personnel, placement in special classes within regular schools (which may be smaller in size with more individual focus), or placement in special schools, again with smaller class groups and other modifications.
Education Resources & Links by State
For a comprehensive listing of Australia-wide and even international special education resources, please see the Aussie Educator portal.
Below, please find more state-specific special education information and resources.
Australia Capital Territory
All schools in the ACT are required to make reasonable adjustments for students with disability at the time of their enrolment and during the course of their education, ensuring they have the support they need to successfully access and participate in the school curriculum, programs and activities in the company of their peers.
Please see the Disability Education Resource Centre, which covers services, NDIS Trial, multiple Programs, Specialist School Programs, and more:
Please also see identification and support provisions for students with Special Needs [Disabilities] in the Canberra/Goulburn Catholic Education area, here:
New South Wales
The Department of Education & Communities provides information and links for disability education:
The School Locator helps families to identify potentially suitable schools. You can filter by school type (e.g. “Special Schools” or “Support Classes in Regular and Special Schools”) and you can even focus in on a specific support area (e.g. Behaviour Disorder), if applicable: Alternatively, access Catholic special schools and programs, using this page:
TAFE NSW enrolls a large number of students with a disability and provides specialist support to assist students in successfully completing their course.
They are able to offer range of support services to assist:
Northern Territory
Catholic Education inclusion support services provide educational programs of quality that are adjusted for students with disabilities:
Students with disability have the right to access an inclusive curriculum that is broad, balanced and relevant and meets individual needs. In the Northern Territory students with disability are accommodated either in mainstream or special educational settings. To learn more please go to the Department of Education special education and disability page:
The Queensland Department of Education provide a list of resources and service providers (do not necessarily have endorsement by the department), as a useful starting point for educators, parents and carers to gain information regarding the availability of disability specific resources and support:
The department also provides information around inclusive education here:
South Australia
The Association of Independent Schools has a targeted program for Special Education in S.A.:
Catholic Education South Australia provides an overview of their programs and links to special schools:
The Department of Education also provides information on disability support and services at schools:
Students with disability are encouraged and supported to attend their local government school. Schools can assist students with a range of specialist services and resources. Each Learning Service in the state has a team of specialist staff such as social workers, school psychologists, speech and language pathologists and autism consultants:
There are four special schools across the state and four Early Childhood Intervention Services (ECIS) Centres:
The Tasmanian Catholic Education Office manages a Student Support program to deliver additional support to students who experience problems with their learning. The Program offers support in areas such as hearing impairment, speech pathology, interpreting, psychological testing, education assessment, occupational therapy/physiotherapy, and positive behaviour support:,all%20our%20students%20and%20staff.
TasTAFE provides information and assistance to students with a disability, including apprentices and trainees, and will work with you to identify what support requirements are needed for you (or those you care for) to undertake a course of study at TasTAFE:
As well as the standard Year 7 to 10 secondary school, there are Prep to Year 12 (P-12) schools, special schools that cater for children with disabilities. These schools cater to varying levels of disability and some specialise in specific diagnosis areas (e.g. Autism). For a listing of Victorian Specialist Schools, please see this listing:
The Department offers support to children and young people who have a disability or developmental delay and their families through a range of programs targeted to meet their specific needs:
The Catholic Education Commission of Victoria provides a searchable school directory, across the four dioceses of Victoria, which can be filtered down on with “Special” selected as a type:
Western Australia
The Schools of Special Educational Needs provide support for students with disabilities and diverse learning needs through teams of teachers:
A number of Catholic Schools have an Education Support Centre where students may receive additional support with specialist staff. Depending on needs and abilities some students may work primarily in the centre, while others will spend the majority or the whole of their time in regular classes with varying levels of support: